Shadow Designs
Photography and Graphic Design
My name is Linda and I have been photographing people, flora and fauna for virtually ever. I remember my parents had a brownie camera and I would always sneak it out of its hiding place and play with it. I was in awe at how the scene in front of the camera could flip upside down when I opened the shutter. I would use my hand as a projection screen because I didn't have time to set up any sort of studio...after all I was trying to hide it. Then my father bought a Polaroid Land Camera..the kind where you have to rub the sponge dripping with fix solution over the finished product. It was black and white but I didn't care because I didn't know any different really. This is what I was used to. Then - wow - the most magical of all - the Polaroid One Step. The camera would spit it out the front - now that was high tech! Hey it was the 70's, platform shoes and bell bottoms put someone on the best dressed list. I remember my first time sneaking that one outside. I took a fantastic picture of a sunset but my sister, in her attempt to get out of my way, accidentally got in the shot. I watched in wonderment the process of developing right before my eyes. I looked at my sister, who now had something to hold over my head when she did something wrong, and I destroyed the evidence! That was my first real photograph.
A photograph, in my opinion, is the only form of time travel. It is a way to gaze into the past no matter how mastered you are. Whether photos are amateur or professional, they have the ability to evoke feelings, spark memories, and take the viewer to places they have never dreamed possible. A particular image that sticks in my mind is the one of Neil Armstrong standing on the moon. In his helmet visor you can see the reflection of the photographer. I still remember what I was doing the day this photo was made.
So thats a little bit about me. There is more but as you can see this website is under construction and there are many chances to let catharsis run amok!
Till then, Love and Light
A photograph, in my opinion, is the only form of time travel. It is a way to gaze into the past no matter how mastered you are.
Linda Dillman

When someone asks you to be creative for them, its never a sole decision, the client has the last say in any design. In a sense, the client assumes the creative role and I nudge them in the direction I think they would prefer. In other words I read people and assess their needs and personality rather than create something from that place in my brain that is reserved for an endless supply of new ideas.